Find Your Flow
Mastering the 7 Immutable Laws of Nature
Join Vedic Meditation teacher
Light Watkins on a five-day online advanced knowledge course and rounding retreat designed to take your practice to the next level.
Mastering the 7 Immutable Laws of Nature
Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? What about the Law of Reciprocity? Sure, you've heard of these Natural Laws and how tapping into them can help you draw incredible experiences and people into your life.
But did you know that these laws and others have been influencing every aspect of your life and relationships this entire time? And that developing a greater understanding of the Laws of Nature could help elevate you create more desirable experiences?
Join myself and meditators from all over the world November 19-23 to study the seven MOST IMPACTFUL LAWS OF NATURE. Learn what they are, how they operate and how you can use each of them to create the life of your dreams.
Rounding Retreat
‘Rounding’ is one of the most immediate ways for Vedic Meditators to elevate their meditation practice to the next level.
In short, Rounding is to meditation… what meditation is to sleep. In other words, it’s a way of “super-sizing” the effects of meditation. Rounding is a unique sequence of yoga, breathwork, and meditation that is designed to enhance the effects of unstressing (stress release).
A few days of Rounding… can have the same impact on stress release as a few months of meditation. For this reason, doing multiple Rounds in a row is an experience that has been solely practiced on a residential retreat, under specific conditions.
Light is going to be personally guiding meditators via Zoom through an online Rounding experience to replicate the effects of Rounding on a retreat, which includes comprehensive Rounding instruction, dietary recommendations, social distancing, daily Rounding check-ins, daily knowledge talks, and group practice.
The pre-requisite is… you’ve graduated from the Vedic Meditation training. It’s recommended that you’ve been meditating with consistency for at least a few months. And because this is an online experience, you must be able to dedicate a handful of undisturbed hours on each day of the retreat for your Rounding practice and daily check-in sessions.
This experience is not ideal if… you are homeschooling children or if you need to handle rigorous family duties or work tasks. In fact, you will be encouraged to take the week off from work and other non-essential activities. You must also be willing to not exercise, have visitors, drink coffee, or eat meat during this retreat. We highly recommend detoxing from caffeine at least 2 days to one week ahead of the retreat.
The Round experience itself is not complicated. It is simple and gentle, and each one will take about an hour to complete. You will work up to practicing 3 to 5 a day, either back-to-back, or throughout the day.
How many Rounds will I be doing?
It’s up to you. You will structure your own program based on our daily check-in sessions and how you feel after each day. And I will be guiding you throughout the week, same as if we were actually retreating together in Bali.
What to expect?
Same as with my in-person retreats, you will be doing lots of meditating during this week. You can expect to have some lite to heavy “unstressing” (stress release), and therefore you could experience anything from bliss to heavy emotional releases, maybe occasional bouts of crying, or exhaustion, or other forms of release. We’ll also have an opportunity to go much deeper into the Vedic Knowledge and connect with the others in the group. You will be asked to refrain from meat and caffeine during the week, and you should treat the experience like a detox.
Sounds intense. Why should I do this again?
It will enhance the effects of your overall meditation practice, deepen your experiences, and help to refine your understanding of what you’re actually doing in meditation. Compared to your basic training, this would be like getting an advanced degree in meditation. It’s also a pre-requisite for becoming a teacher should you ever decide to go on that path.
What will the daily schedule be like?
We’ll mainly have participants in Los Angeles, New York, and London. Once we do the initial Rounding instruction, which will take a couple of hours, we’ll plan for a 60-minute daily check-in session for 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 4 pm GST and a 90-minute daily knowledge talk at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET / 9 pm GST.
You may also meet with other participants in small groups or individually to Round together over Zoom. This schedule is subject to change based on the participant needs. We’ll make sure to accommodate as many people as possible. If you’re in the UK, I will look into have a teacher there check in with you first thing in the morning.
About Light Watkins
Light Watkins has been operating in the meditation space since 1998, first as a practitioner, then as an apprentice to his Vedic Meditation teacher, and finally as a teacher himself.
Light Watkins, teaching on his recent Mexico retreat.
Singles Rate: $495 USD
Couples Rate: $795 USD
(Includes everything you need: instruction, collateral information, daily talks and check-ins, and support. Couples can be two individuals registering together. You are not required to live in the same household. If you’re experiencing a hardship and need a payment plan, email